The Austrian ‘Landeslehrer’ (State certified) qualification is divided into several advanced course modules and begins with the so-called “Anwärter”. Following on from this, is the ‘Landeslehrer’ course and combined with additional alpine training on a separate ‘Alpine Course’ they complete the full level 3. The ‘Landeslehrer’ lasts 10 days and concludes with a final theory and a practical examination in front of a committee.

What are the goals of the ‘Landeslehrer’, level 3 Snowboard course? The goals of Level 3 course are to teach advanced snowboarders of all ages. In addition, off-piste and riding on all types of terrain is a main focal point of the training and thus developing a well-rounded, dynamic, agile rider. Accordingly, the individual off-piste skills of the participants are worked on and trained intensively.
After completing the Level 3 course, each participant should be able to take on even more responsibility in their snowsports school, aiding colleagues while teaching or during in-house instructor training sessions. Furthermore, the level 3 instructor will have a multi-facetted repertoire of teaching methods and content to share with snowboarders of all levels, allowing the lessons delivered to be of an exceptional standard, well-structured and the picture of professionalism. The ‘Landeslehrer’ is also great preparation for the next step of ‘full cert’ and qualifying to become a state-certified (Staatlich geprüfter) snowboard instructor.

What do I learn on the Level 3 course?
The course is divided into theoretical and practical parts. In the theory sections, the focus is on the methodological progressions and there is a deep understanding of the biomechanics and movements of snowboarding. During the practical, the focus shifts towards more dynamic and varying riding skills both on and off the piste, in frerestyle, racing and rhythm changes. There is also a large focus of the course aimed at preparing for the final examination runs, performed in front of the examiners. The theory sessions take place every afternoon, off the mountain.
Practical content:
Basic drift turns with a high/low cross-over
Carving with a high/low cross-over
Short turns
Training your own ability and pushing your limits
Theoretical content:
Movement theory
A second language
Training children and youths
First aid
Tourism and the environment
Snow science and Avalanches
What are the prerequisites for taking part in the Level 3 ‘Landeslehrer’ course? The prerequisites for participating in the Level 3 course is having passed the ‘Anwärter‘ (level 1 and 2) exams. You must also prove having worked 10 days as an instructor in a snowsports school. There is no entrance exam.

Which exams have to be taken? The conclusion of the Landeslehrer (level 3) course is a final theory and a practical examination in front of a committee and an on-snow ‘Teach’ has to be performed for the exam.
Theory exam:
The theory exam consists of the various subjects covered and worked on during course. These include: movement theory, teaching, snow science and avalanche theory, equipment, a second language and first aid.
Practical exam: The practical exam takes place on the last day of the course. The participants ski a variety of runs showing the techniques of the Austrian snowboard curriculum. The runs are divided up into the so-called demos, or "Schulefahren", the freeride, freestyle and a GS race:
Demos "Schulefahren": Basic drift turns with up-unweighting, short turns and carving with high/low crossovers
Freeride: An off-piste freeride run, rhythm change.
Freestyle: Switch carving, Freestyle basics, a spin off the easy line kicker, straight air off the medium kicker, Box tricks
Race: a giant slalom (GS) race to be run within a given time limit.
The third sub-area is the so-called "Lehrauftritt", in which every participant holds a 20-minute lesson on a previously assigned topic.

What do I get after completing my course?
The exams for becoming an instructor are held by the Viennese Ski and Snowboard Instructor’s Association and are carried out according to Vienna State Law. After successfully completing the exam, the participant receives a Certificate from the Vienna Ski and Snowboard Instructor Association, which is valid and recognised throughout Austria.
Who are the trainers?
You will be taught by Snowsports Academy trainers. Each one has at least the ‘Staatlicher’ qualification, the "state-certified level 4 instructor". All Team members have many years teaching experience or even run their own ski school. With their knowledge and experience, they make sure the participants are well prepared for the exams and being successful as a ski or snowboard instructor.
Further education: What do I learn on the alpine course?
You can find more information by following these links: